Saturday, 20 March 2010

Frank Farrelly brings Provocative Therapy to the UK this May

Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd May 2010
Location: Queens Hotel, Leeds, Yorkshire
Details: This AFPT approved event is an opportunity to learn Provocative Therapy from the source. The weekend will include an opportunity for some to work one on one with Frank Farrelly. Nick Kemp founder of The Association of Provocative Therapy and creator of The Provocative Icon System™ will be teaching many of the latest exercises that assist in developing insights into this therapeutic approach. The AFPT policy is to run trainings with small groups to ensure that each attendee receives the very best attention. Places are issued on a first come first serve basis and we fully expect this event to be fully subscribed. Attendees of this event also receive automatic Associate Membership of the AFPT.

What People are saying about Frank Farrelly?

"Frank Farrelly's Provocative Therapy is like a treasure buried deep in the shadow of traditional psychotherapeutic modalities. These CD's provide you with a treasure map that lifts the techniques, methodology and attitude off the page and into the very real world of working with patients and clients. Be warned - while Frank is working with his clients, these CD's will be working on you..."

Michael Neill, NLP Master Trainer/Bestselling author on Frank Live in Leeds CD set

"Frank is a solid co-therapist -- not a carbon copy. His core of lovingness is easily apparent and available... He is also a wizard at destroying the meta-communicating bacterium 'why'. A body free of this bug may never be the same again. You've read Groddeck, Eichorn, Redl, Laing, Kopp... Read Farrelly!"

Carl A. Whitaker, M.D., Family Process.

"...your demonstrations of therapy... were really great. I liked your style enormously. All of your expressions of yourself while here were a kind of enlarging and expanding experience, combined with a total buoyancy we all need. Meeting you was the best therapeutic experience I've had in a long time."

O. Spurgeon English, M.D., Temple University Psychiatry Dept., Philadelphia, PA.

"Frank Farrelly... is a really exquisite example of requisite variety."

Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Frogs Into Princes.

What People are saying about Nick Kemp?

"Do you know Nick Kemp? - (he is) exceptionally bright, and I have immensely enjoyed communicating...The kind of exchanges that I have been having... are the kind of activities that I think can really advance the field."

Steve Andreas, NLP Author, Trainer, Developer

"Nick Kemp is what a trainer should be."

Doug O Brien - Master Trainer & Hypnotherapist

"I have known Nick Kemp for a number of years as both personal friend and mentor... no one has done more to promote Frank Farrelly and his highly effective treatment modality of "Provocative Therapy" than Nick Kemp. In 2004 when both myself and Nick met Frank Farrelly for the first time, the only readily available material was the classic 1973 book, "Provocative Therapy." Since that meeting, Nick and Frank have become firm friends and there is no doubt the rest of us have benefitted enormously from this unique relationship. Now with numerous audio and DVD training products produced and promoted by Nick Kemp, Frank Farrelly's work is more readily accessible than ever before.

With this is mind, I had the very great pleasure of attending Nick's first "Provocative Change Works™" course in Leeds. Having extensively studied Provocative Therapy and seen Frank work one-to-one sessions live with clients on several occasions, I was astonished at the level of expertise demonstrated on the stage. I have no doubt that with his modelling skills, Nick Kemp has managed to "get" the PT model in its entirety. Watching Nick interact with his clients left me in no doubt that he is the very embodiment of Frank's humour, wit, skill and flexibility. I suspect that anyone familiar with Frank Farrelly's style of working will get that spine tingling sense of familiarity when watching Nick work and that the mantle of Frank's ground breaking work has truly found its lineage, and his experience and dedication to detail makes him one of the best trainers and change work therapists in the UK today."

Andrew T Austin
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Neurolinguist & Author of "The Rainbow Machine"

Frank Farrelly's Provocative Therapy is one of the most fun and EFFECTIVE ways of helping a client to actually change since, well, ever. Nick Kemp is one of the few people on the planet who really understands what Frank Farrelly is doing in his Provocative Therapy AND CAN TEACH IT TO OTHERS. How do I know this? Because even after reading Frank's books, listening to his recordings and even sponsoring a live Provocative Therapy workshop with him in New York a couple of years ago, I was still in the dark as to what specifically it was Frank was doing and why it worked. When did I start to understand it all? When I sat down with Nick and he explained it to me. Nick has integrated Farrelly's Provocative Therapy with Ericksonian Hypnosis in a unique was that makes the original even better. He calls it Provocative Change Works™. He teaches it in a way that is fun and EASY to implement. YOU will be DOING it before the weekend is over.

Doug O Brien, Trainer

Hosts: Frank Farrelly & Nick Kemp
Price: Price £499 inc VAT for the weekend